About Me

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I am a 29-ish yr old married mother of 8. My family is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My darling husband is my very best friend and together we are raising 8 of the best kids in the world! They are Rose(12) Sarah(12) Ammon(10) Malachi(8) Gabriel(7) Hannah(5) Maggie(4) and Abbie(3) We currently own 2 dogs, 1 bird, 5 chinchillas, 1,000,000 rabbits, 1 cat, 4.5 horses, and one ferret. We just purchased a home that is definately a "fixer-upper", with land and room for the kids to roam. Our goal is to run a mostly self sustaining farm and live in peace as we grow as a strong family unit. We have seen our fair share of hardships, but we are thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives us on a regular basis!

Monday, March 24, 2008

99 balloons

I found this while I was blog-hopping. It is a touching story about a little boy born with trisome 18. He lived only 99 days and his parents kept a video diary of him and his life.


A friend of mine had a baby a few years ago with this exact defect it is three of the 18th chromosome instead of the normal two.

I watched this video with 2 of my boy next to me and they were both crying with me when it ended.

Gabie told me that he was happy that the baby got to go be with Jesus. He said "...that way he won't have to have food through a tube...and maybe...he could taste ice cream sandwiches!"
It amazes me that at the age of 4 he has such a sweet understanding what heaven really is!


Stephanie said...

That was awesome! I ended up bawling. What a special tribute to that special spirit and an amazing perspective for those blessed parents.

Cali and Travis said...

Oooh! I like the new look! very nice. I didn't actually watch the link yet, because I'm already way too close to tears this week.

Melissa said...

Wow! All I can say is...wow. "sob"

Steph said...

I'm totally crying right now.