About Me

My photo
I am a 29-ish yr old married mother of 8. My family is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My darling husband is my very best friend and together we are raising 8 of the best kids in the world! They are Rose(12) Sarah(12) Ammon(10) Malachi(8) Gabriel(7) Hannah(5) Maggie(4) and Abbie(3) We currently own 2 dogs, 1 bird, 5 chinchillas, 1,000,000 rabbits, 1 cat, 4.5 horses, and one ferret. We just purchased a home that is definately a "fixer-upper", with land and room for the kids to roam. Our goal is to run a mostly self sustaining farm and live in peace as we grow as a strong family unit. We have seen our fair share of hardships, but we are thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives us on a regular basis!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My 100

A fellow blogger challenged her readers to come up with 100 things about themselves. Of course I challenge each of my readers too! Here goes...

1. I have been married for 11 years
2. I have 8 children
3. I live in Gilbert AZ
4. I love my husbands dimple!
5. I am deaf in one ear.
6. I home school my children
7. I can't spell worth crap
8. I hate English
9. I love Math and Science
10. I took calculus in high school
11. I had to use spell check to make sure I spelled calculus correctly
12. I know quite a bit about animals
13. My children know more about animals than I do
14. I've been pregnant 19 times
15. I've had 3 c-sections
16. Each of my children have a middle name after some one special.
17. My youngest daughter's middle name is after my cabbage patch doll!
18. We let our 9-yr-old's pick out our youngest daughters name
19. I have a set of twin girls
20. After 8 children I can still do the splits
21. I took 4 years of American sign language
22. I'm teaching myself how to cook
23. I refuse to buy a vehicle unless I know that I can change the plugs and wires myself!
24. I have trouble saying my "R"s and "oy"s
25. My Fathers name is Roy!
26. I LOVE my step mom!
27. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers
28. I have 5 nephews and 3 nieces
29. I wish I had someone to teach me what to wear!
30. I love to sit in the bath tub and read!
31. I can vacuum while breastfeeding!
32. I want to learn how to change the oil in a car
33. I HATE driving!
34. I was in a 4 accidents in one year!
35. I have not been in an accident for five years!
36. I love Dove chocolate!
36. I don't like asparagus
37. I had to use spell check for asparagus
38. I can type 25 WPM... If I try REALLY REALLY hard.
39. I have a chocolate lab!
40. I live with 1 husband, 8 kids, 1 dog, 1 bird, and a bunch of fish
41. I don't like fish!
42. I'm waiting for all of the fish in our tank to die so that I can buy our son a Lizard and put it in the tank!
43. There was once a rumor spread around our ward that I don't like children
44. I don't like disobedient children
45. I think spanking is Great!
46. I think liberals Suck!
47. I want a bumper sticker that says "Liberals suck!"
48. I don't own a rolling pin
49. I need a rolling pin!
50. I ENJOY my children!
51. I absolutely LOVE frogs!
52. I want a pet frog
53. I would love a pet cockatoo
55. Crickets scare me more than roaches
56. I once had a twenty minute panic attack because a cricket jumped on me.
57. My children are experts at getting cricket out of the house!
58. I am not afraid of ANY OTHER BUG
58. I think my children are the smartest children in the world
60. I have the greatest husband!
61. My husband is my best friend
62. My husband thinks it's silly that I am so afraid of crickets!
63. I have bottle fed lots of kittens!
64. I use to work at a veterinary office
65. I had a one eyed cat named Odor
66. We had foster children before we had our own.
67. I was once punched in the face by a child at a day care I taught at!
68. I used to believe spanking was wrong.
69. I support the war in Iraq
70. I support the war in Afghanistan!
71. If Hilary Clinton is elected president I'm moving out of the country
72. I believe abortion is wrong in any case
73. I want to campaign for Mitt Romney in 2012!
74. I plan to adopt two children when our youngest girl is 5
75. I love to sew.
76. I don't KNOW HOW to sew!
77. I am allergic to bees
78. I've been stung by a scorpion!
79. I love to hike with my family.
80. I can't stand husband bashing!
81. I believe in Christ.
82. I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
83. I have to look at the key board to type!
84. I have a nephew in the Marines!
85. I used to want to be a marine!
86. I was a high school drop out!
87. I went back to high school after I got married and was pregnant with my third child!
88. I graduated High school when I was 21!
89. I plan to finish college when my children are grown!
90. I would like to become a mid wife
91. I want to go on a mission with my husband
92. I am often so busy I forget to eat!
93. I like self help books
94. I am tired
95. I only clean pots and pans... I make my children do the other dishes
96. I think that a child that is not given chores is being abused!
97. I am VERY opinionated!
98. Most of my opinions are on political issues
99. The rest of my opinions are on parenting!
100. I'm going to bed now!


William said...

I love the way your brain works while you are brain storming.

Cali and Travis said...

Erica, you crack me up! Thanks for the glimpse into your thought process.

Cathy Shields said...

Erica you are so funny. I just did this also and it took me forever. I can see you doing this in record time. (between kids)

Leisha Mareth said...

A-ha! Your name is Erica! I kept looking through your blog for your name!

I love these lists. If I ever get 2 seconds to myself, or stay up late enough I'm going to do one myself!

leschornmom said...

Sorry I didn't mean to keep it a secret!

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

Erica, I can so relate to you!! (well, 20 years ago!) I love you!! What a great mother you are and I can tell you are a great wife and friend for John!! Keep up the Great job you are doing sweetie!

free2speakout said...

you have very beautiful children and the list is awesome!!!