About Me

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I am a 29-ish yr old married mother of 8. My family is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My darling husband is my very best friend and together we are raising 8 of the best kids in the world! They are Rose(12) Sarah(12) Ammon(10) Malachi(8) Gabriel(7) Hannah(5) Maggie(4) and Abbie(3) We currently own 2 dogs, 1 bird, 5 chinchillas, 1,000,000 rabbits, 1 cat, 4.5 horses, and one ferret. We just purchased a home that is definately a "fixer-upper", with land and room for the kids to roam. Our goal is to run a mostly self sustaining farm and live in peace as we grow as a strong family unit. We have seen our fair share of hardships, but we are thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives us on a regular basis!

Monday, January 10, 2011

This just in...

Lacey-Belle is, in fact, pregnant and should be delivering within the next 3-4 weeks! Tune in for more details and pictures as we try to give this mare the love and care that she has not had in several years. We will be trying to help her weight with a prescription diet. We will try to heal her spirit with lots of LOVE!
We are not sure how this will all turn out because she has not had the proper care for a mare in foal. Wish us luck and pray for my Rosie to have the strength to handle whatever might happen! She'll be a very young grandmother!


Divyam said...

hey. . Is lacey the same one, that you gifted to Rose on christmas ??

leschornmom said...

Yes, we bought Lacey for $60.00 from a man that was planning to send her off to be used as meat for a "Big Cat Sanctuary" in Indiana. In comparison, most horses sell for $500.00-$1500.00 in this area. We were told that she had dropped a foal a few days before we bought her and assumed that the pregnancy was completely terminated. Apparently she was carrying twins.
So, begins our new adventure!
How about you? Do you have any pets where you live?

Divyam said...

India. .
I don't have any pets. . My mom dad didn't buy me any :(
but, except for spiders, cockroaches, n lizards, i luv all kind of animals. .
My friends call me duckie :)
btw that was really so kind of you to save her from being slaughtered :)

Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. BTW, I have my blog up and running again. I haven't updated it yet, but I plan on doing that soon. ;)

leschornmom said...

Good to hear! i just tried to get on it last week and couldn't. Was there a problem?