About Me

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I am a 29-ish yr old married mother of 8. My family is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My darling husband is my very best friend and together we are raising 8 of the best kids in the world! They are Rose(12) Sarah(12) Ammon(10) Malachi(8) Gabriel(7) Hannah(5) Maggie(4) and Abbie(3) We currently own 2 dogs, 1 bird, 5 chinchillas, 1,000,000 rabbits, 1 cat, 4.5 horses, and one ferret. We just purchased a home that is definately a "fixer-upper", with land and room for the kids to roam. Our goal is to run a mostly self sustaining farm and live in peace as we grow as a strong family unit. We have seen our fair share of hardships, but we are thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives us on a regular basis!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

SCA Court Night

Okay I ALWAYS HATE pictures with me in them but I thought that most of the kids looked good enough that these were worth posting! As most of you know, John and I have recently joined the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) It's pretty much an excuse for a bunch of grown ups to get together and have fun dressing up in renaissance costumes and learning about historical arts and sciences. Rose and Sarah have their first archery lessons on Saturday and Ammon and Malachi will begin their Youth Combat training next month. (Gabie's not old enough yet.)
Any way, aside from our weekly meetings we have our monthly "court". This is where awards are given out and people advance in levels and all of that sort of stuff. Our particular barony happens to make this a pretty formal event. There was even a battle (adult) for a sword that is passed around from champion to champion. It's all in good fun!

Maggie went with Bill and Mary and Abbie was snuggled asleep in her car seat so we only took pictures of the ones in costume.

1 comment:

Darryl and Cindy Cunningham said...

That looks like so much fun! When we lived in Texas we would 'escape' once a year and take the girls to the renaissance festival. I always wanted to be a participant instead of a spectator.