About Me

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I am a 29-ish yr old married mother of 8. My family is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. My darling husband is my very best friend and together we are raising 8 of the best kids in the world! They are Rose(12) Sarah(12) Ammon(10) Malachi(8) Gabriel(7) Hannah(5) Maggie(4) and Abbie(3) We currently own 2 dogs, 1 bird, 5 chinchillas, 1,000,000 rabbits, 1 cat, 4.5 horses, and one ferret. We just purchased a home that is definately a "fixer-upper", with land and room for the kids to roam. Our goal is to run a mostly self sustaining farm and live in peace as we grow as a strong family unit. We have seen our fair share of hardships, but we are thankful for the many blessings the Lord gives us on a regular basis!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Foster Care...

That's right, we thought the day would never come! But after filling out the necessary paper work, and waiting a few weeks, we were finally approved to be a foster family. We got our call on Wednesday! He is brown with the sweetest brown eyes you've ever seen!!!! We won't let our children play with him or touch him because he's a little to wild for our liking! I'm afraid he might scratch or bite!

There's not as much work as we expected. We just throw a little food at him and then we can forget about him until the next day! Yes that's right. It's fostering at it's best! The best part about it is that we get to take him to a park on Saturday and leave him there! Then we just call our case worker and let her know when we want another one!

All joking aside, I'm so glad that my children are having so much experience with the Lord's creations, because each one is so special in it's own way! (Except crickets! They're just evil!) They are learning to love and respect every living thing and it's creator as well. I hope these are the things they remember when they are adults. I hope these are the kinds of things that they look back on and smile about!


Andrea Hardman said...

Oh! I knew we were kindred spirits! Crickets are related to grasshoppers who, I'm sure, sprung straight from the Eternal Flames of Hades to torment perfectly innocent people like us. And wow! That's a big lizard. I'm glad that you have a fun pet but I'm sorry that you now have to bring horrid little bugs into your house. How very noble of you as a mother. I don't think I could do it.

Leisha Mareth said...

you guys are the best parents ever!